Intergalactic Art

Bubble Worlds - from
Stacey Whaley
@ Intergalacticart
Please note this is a Mind Expanding Draft.
Exploring Phase Transitions of Matter, Energy, Light ...
And will also take a closer look at cell division in biology
Planets of the solar system, stars in galaxies, in the cosmos we see
The concept of entropy in thermodynamics is central to the second law of thermodynamics, which deals with physical processes and whether they occur spontaneously. Spontaneous changes occur with an increase in entropy.
Spontaneous changes tend to smooth out differences in temperature, pressure, density, and chemical potential that may exist in a system, and entropy is thus a measure of how far this smoothing-out process has progressed. In contrast, the first law of thermodynamics deals with the concept of energy, which is conserved.
Hydrostatic equilibrium is the reason stars don't implode, or explode. In astrophysics, in any given layer of a star, there is a balance between the thermal pressure (outward) and the weight of the material above pressing downward (inward). This balance is called hydrostatic equilibrium. A star is like a balloon.

In a balloon, the gas inside the balloon pushes outward and the Earth's atmospheric pressure plus the elastic material supply just enough inward compression to balance the gas pressure. In the case of a star, the star's internal gravity supplies the inward compression. The isotropic gravitational field compresses the star into the most compact shape possible: a sphere.
"Is the 'visible world' or cosmos an isolated system, and not itself just a bubble in a larger sea, incidentally a bubble in a sea so vast, we would have no idea of knowing where or how to start assuming when equilibrium might or would be reached"
"Is cell life the ultimate manifestation of Nature in Nature" Quasar9
Bubble Worlds - from Stacey Whaley @ Intergalacticart
Labels: Bubbles, Theoretical Physics, Universe
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