Thursday, December 21, 2006

Source of Xmas Light

"A Christmas Tale" - Reading from The Book by Ellala

Can be seen from oh so very near, can be seen from afar
from right here to high up in the sky & the furthest Star
like the source of all light, there is really nothing on a par

So you may have once thought one had to be hardwired
for one to be thus, in such resplendent light fully attired
or such great paintings & masterpieces to have inspired

But as you and you can see one can nowdays be wireless
yet still remain really truly lasting & really quite tireless
Universal source of Galaxies, all the Stars & life no less

Photo: Stanford Uni by MemC

Here and for a moment wishing all of you, A very Merry Xmas
Season Greetings & Best Wishes - from Quasar9 to One & All.
Famous Quotes: The wisdom of the wise and the experience
of the ages are perpetuated by quotations.
Benjamin Disraeli