Friday, March 02, 2007

Black Hole (Paradox)

bubbles - from Stacey Whaley @ Intergalacticart

There is much speculation as to how the known or visible universe came to be, and how or what may be at the origin (or centre) of the cosmos driving the whole thing.

Blackholes are a theoretical body with massive density, which would explain how stars & galaxies spin, like the planets around the Sun, and the moons around planets.

However increasingly it is becoming evident that just as there are many types of supernovae, there may well be many types of blackhole, and depending on their neighbourhood they could grow to supermassive blackhole singularities, or evaporate into nothing at all.

These could be two phases (in Time) of the same event or result, or they could be two different types of blackholes with clearly different results. Ultimately though if the 'singularities' inside a blackhole can grow in size from matter that falls into the black hole, then their volume may well increase and the whole thing explode.

This could be one way that blackholes 'evaporate' and emit radiation. But where does the gravity go, to another dimension - or is gravity itself transformed, that is what we are looking for. If gravity can be created, then it follows that anti-gravity too - and as you may expect there are many applications to antigravity generating systems.

What is clear to us is that there may yet be millions of unobserved black hole singularities, which would account for a lot of the speculated missing mass of the universe, or that many may have evaporated - or transformed into dust? - which would explain where some of the mass has gone and gravity dissipated to.

Of course the ultimate answer could well be that the suspected singularity at the centre of the universe was never created or has long since evaporated, and the universe is moving from its own momentum - perhaps with no central gravity to hold its expansion - but rather the combined mass & gravity of the millions of stars and galaxies that populate it. And in this changing process of transformation, gravity and mass simply move from one place of the universe to another - or that gravity is dispersed (like gas & dust), and again accumulates at some other point into a massively dense object.

I would further add that there may also be a force no matter how weak at the ends of the visible universe, the periphery or cosmic event horizon, which contributes to creating something like surface tension, that enables all that is held within this bubble universe or visible universe, to preserve momentum and spin independent of what lays beyond - but still interacting with each other as a whole, like soap bubbles floating in Space.

Illustration of a black hole.

Image credit: Gallery of Tempolimit Lichtgesch windigkeit

In the mid 1970s, Stephen Hawking showed that black holes eventually evaporate away in a steady stream of featureless radiation containing no information. But if a black hole has completely evaporated, where has the information about it gone? This long standing question is known as the black hole information paradox.

more bubbles - from Stacey Whaley @ Intergalacticart

The no-hiding Theorem
If quantum information disappears from one place, it must have moved somewhere else. "The no-hiding theorem shows that there’s got to be new physics out there."
Professor Braunstein from York University uk
Evaporating micro-black-holes from Bee @ Backreaction.
LHC detector performs first test of fundamental forces by JoAnne.
For further insights, questions & comments one can visit
Quantum Gravity in The Lab - please stay on topic in comments!

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